General Information:
- Company Type: Small Business
- SBA Status: Self proclaimed DBE. DBE certification in process.
- DUNS Number: N/A
- EIN: 47-4247423
Company Overview
IDARE LLC has been in existence and providing requested type services since 2015. The company has substantial experience in environmental justice, giving training in the following:
- Experiential Training, Economic Development and a broad range of Transportation Planning Topics
- Social Equity/Community/Social Impact Assessment
- Diversity Metrics and Evaluating and Measuring Performance
- Accessibility, Equity, and Nondiscrimination in Transportation
- Environmental Justice in Transportation and Equity Analysis
- Vulnerable and Marginalized Communities
- Public Participation
- Limited English Proficiency
- Disability Accessibility in Transportation
Task Areas:
- Highways and Water Resources
- Conflict Resolution, Facilitation, and Mediation of Environmental Disputes
- Livability, Sustainability, and Equity
- Pedestrian and Bicycle Transportation
- Transportation Air Quality and Noise
Our Edge
IDARE LLC has an unusual combination of practical experience in social justice topics, environmental justice, and transportation from qualitative and quantitative (GIS/mapping) perspectives. The company’s members have investigated complaints, conducted compliance reviews, monitored organizations, published articles and books, and presented on covered subjects.
IDARE has academic, governmental, and advocacy experience at the local, state, and federal levels. They have long experience addressing the needs of vulnerable and marginalized communities, including people of color, racial and national origin minorities, limited English proficiency, and people with disabilities.
Awards and Commendations
Members of IDARE LLC have published books by mainstream publishers on The Right to Transportation, Planning as if People Matter: Governing for Social Equity, Environmental Justice Toolkit, and When Hate Groups March Down Main Street: Engaging a Community Response. They have won awards from the American for Democratic Action Foundation, LGBT foundations, independent publishers association, and others.
Personnel Qualifications
Glenn Robinson:
- Years of Experience: 47
- Highest Degree:
- MA ꟾ Urban and Regional Planning
- MM ꟾ Master’s in Management
- SOW Tasks:
- Livability, Sustainability, and Equity
- Pedestrian and Bicycle Transportation
- Transportation Air Quality and Noise
Marc Brenman:
- Years of Experience: 50
- Highest Degree: Master’s in Public Administration and Tribal Governance Program
- SOW Tasks:
- NEPA and FHWA’s Environmental Review Process
- Livability, Sustainability, and Equity
- Pedestrian and Bicycle Transportation
SOW Tasks:
- Wetlands, Wildlife Habitat, and Other Ecological Resources
- Highways and Water Resources
- NEPA and FHWA’s Environmental Review Process
- Historic and Archeological Preservation and Aesthetics
- Conflict Resolution, Facilitation, and Mediation of Environmental Disputes
- Livability, Sustainability, and Equity
- Pedestrian and Bicycle Transportation
- Transportation Air Quality and Noise
- Climate and Extreme Weather Resiliency
- Real Property Acquisition Under the Uniform Act
- Outdoor Advertising Control and Legislative and Policy Analysis
- Marketing and Outreach
- Transportation, Economic Development, and Land Use
Member’s Experience
Glenn Robinson:
- MA and MM
- Transportation Research Scientist, School of Engineering and Institute for Urban Research, Morgan State University, a Historically Black University
- Program Developer, Young African Leadership Initiative (YALI), a USAID Program.
- Environmental Justice in Transportation Research Board Committee Member
- Paper Review Chairperson
- Principal Investigator and Project Director, Transportation Cooperative Equity Research and the Baltimore Regional Environmental Project Funded by the Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Highway Administration, and Federal Transit Administration
- Transportation Modeling Specialist and Lead Worker in the Development of Michigan’s Multi-Modal Transportation Forecasting Model, the First of Its Kind to be Built on a GIS Platform, Michigan’s Department of Transportation (1978-2000)
- Recipient of the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Transportation Equity Cooperative Research (TECR) Grant Since 2003 - Worked with National Experts, Advocacy Organizations, Local Activists, and Government Officials on Environmental Justice—the TECR Project Enhanced Community-Driven Environmental Justice in Transportation Research Funded by EPA and FHWA
- Writer of the Environmental Justice in Transportation Toolkit (EJTK) - a Collection of Transportation Planning Procedures and Processes Developed Through the Lens of Low-Income and Minority Residents. The EJTKIT’s Community Engagement Model and Asset Mapping Components Are Included in the NCHRP Report 710, “Practical Approaches for Involving Traditionally Underserved Populations in Transportation Decision-Making.” The EJTKIT Work Provided the Content for the Environmental Justice and Transportation Track for the State of America Environmental Justice Conference Proceedings Was Infused Into the Chicago Metropolitan Area Plan (CMAP) Sustainable Community Initiative (SCI)
Marc Brenman:
- Executive Director - Washington State Human Rights Commission, 2004-2009
- Senior Policy Advisor for Civil Rights - US Department of Transportation, 1995-2004
- Investigator to Division Director, Addressed Complaints of Discrimination and National Civil Rights Policy - Office for Civil Rights, US Department of Education, 1973-1995
- Served on Diversity Standards Task Force, Society for Human Resources Management
- Board of Advisors, The City Project, Los Angeles
- Worked on Race Issues, Limited English Proficiency, Disability, Sex Discrimination, Culturally Appropriate Alternative Dispute Resolution, Corporate Social Responsibility, and International Human Rights Law
- Co-Author of Three Books: The Right to Transportation, on Social Equity in Infrastructure, and Planning as if People Matter: Governing for Social Equity with Prof. Tom Sanchez, and When Hate Groups March Down Main Street: Engaging a Community Response with Deborah Levine
- Editor of Religious Diversity in the Workplace
- Teacher of Graduate Courses on Civil Rights History, Human Rights, Public Policy Development, Advocacy, and Governing for Social Justice, Master’s in Public Administration and Tribal Governance Program, Evergreen College, Olympia, Washington, and the University of Utah
- Author of Many Articles, Op-Eds, and Policy and Research Papers on Social Equity and Diversity
- Speaker at Many Conferences, Including Transportation Research Board, Association for Conflict Resolution, Mediators Beyond Borders, Seattle Race Conference, American Bar Association, and Harvard Law School
- Consultant, Teacher, and Writer
- Expert Witness on Discrimination Cases
- Assistant of Public Advocates, Inc. in Winning the First Civil Rights Case Under ARRA in 2010, the Federal Stimulus Law for $70 Million
- Helped Win a Precedent-Setting Case on the Provision of Bus Service to a Shopping Mall for African Americans in 2014
- First Prize Winner of the Americans for Democratic Action Education Foundation Essay Contest on What Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Would Say to President Obama, 2012
Corporate Experience
Maryland HBCUs, GIS Initiative ($125,000), 2019-Present
SOW Task: Livability, Sustainability, and Equity
We have coordinated an effort to increase the access that HBCU institutions in the state of Maryland to GIS education resources and facilitate applications of GIS in new and existing research environments, as well as expanding skill sets for students throughout Maryland. Encouraged the use of GIS learning at Morgan State, Bowie State, and the University of Maryland - Eastern Shore with at-risk youth through advocacy programs such as Bloc Love, Youth Resiliency Institute, and Lansing Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi’s Guide Right program.
IREX, Young African Leadership Initiative ($125,000), 2014
SOW Task: Transportation, Economic Development, and Land Use
Principlal investigator. Developed instructional services and course content. Topics covered included:
- Public Participation
- Social Equity
- Environmental Justice
- Transportation Planning
- Negotiation
Deloitte Corporation, Young African Leadership Initiative ($75,000), 2015
SOW Task: Transportation, Economic Development, and Land Use
We have provided program development and instructional services as a sub-contractor to US Agency for International Development at East Africa Regional Learning Center, Nairobi, Kenya. Topics covered included:
- Public Participation
- Social Equity
- Environmental Justice
- Transportation Planning
- Negotiation
ICF International, Federal Highway Administration ($1,800), 2017
Conflict Resolution, Facilitation, and Mediation of Environmental Disputes
We reviewed environmental justice and short transportation courses.
Other Experiences:
- Expert witness services to federal court cases involving discrimination.
- Provided input to Biden Presidential Transition Committee on civil rights in transportation needs.
- Provided input to the Office of Management and Budget on civil rights law and environmental justice recommendations for action.
- Provided input to Environmental Protection Agency on civil rights law and environmental justice recommendations for action, including guidance for handling complaint backlogs.
- Team member on City Project study for California Endowment on civil rights laws and health disparities.
- Numerous presentations on diversity metrics.
- Member, Metro Access Committee, Washington Metropolitan Area Transportation Administration (WMATA), 2014-2015. Serve on the official public advisory committee for a regional surface public transportation provider.
- Peer Reviewer for grant proposals, National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research.
- Consultant, Public Advocates, Inc., on issues surrounding public services by BART extension to Oakland Airport.
- Member of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Diversity Standards Task Force, Foundational, External Discovery, and Metrics Teams.
- Contractor/Consultant, Administration for Children and Families, US Department of Health and Human Services on internal equal employment opportunity issues, including those involving the US Department of Justice.