“Transportation and Environmental Justice: History and Emerging Practice” (Ryan Holifield, Jayajit Chakraborty, and Gordon Walker)
Alex Karner, Aaron Golub, Karel Martens, and Glenn Robinson, Routledge, New York, NY, 2018, pp. 400-411
Karel Martens and Glenn Robinson, Presented at the 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2011
“A Justice-Theoretic Approach to the Distribution of Transportation Benefits: Implications for Transportation Planning Practice in the United States”
Karel Martens, Aaron Golub, and Glenn Robinson, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2012, 46(2): 684–695
Routledge Handbook of Environmental Justice, Transportation, and Environmental Justice, Alex Karner, Aaron Golub, Karel Martens, and Glenn Robinson, 2018, p.400-411
“Making Accessibility Analyses Accessible: A Tool to Facilitate the Public Review of the Effects of Regional Transportation Plans on Accessibility”
Aaron Golub, Glenn Robinson, and B. Nee, Forthcoming in The Journal of Transportation and Land Use, 6(3), 2013
“A Fair Distribution of Transportation Benefits: Interpreting Title VI for Transportation Investment Programs”
Planning as if People Matter: Governing as if People Matter , Marc Brenman and Tom Sanchez, Island Press, 2012
Karel Martens, Aaron Golub, and Glenn Robinson, Transportation Research Board 90th Annual Meeting, January 2011
“A Justice-Theoretic Approach to the Distribution of Transportation Benefits: Implications for Transportation Planning Practice in the United States” , Karel Martens, Aaron Golub, and Glenn Robinson, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 46(2): 684-695, 2012
The Right to Transportation, Marc Brenman and Tom Sanchez, American Planning Association, 2007
When Hate Groups March Down Main Street: Engaging a Community Response, Marc Brenman and Deborah Levine, Rowman and Littlefield, 2019
“Women’s Issues in Transportation” , Marc Brenman and Stephanie Ortoleva, Environmental Justice (Karen Lucas, ed.), Oxford University Press, 1989, pp. 176-200